Long Acting Injectable Buprenorphine: Knowledge exchange event
This online event was organised to share practice on the use of Long Acting Injectable Buprenorphine (LAIB). Most health boards are now delivering services to patients using LAIB and these models have been adapted to meet local needs and challenges.
The presentations at the session included the experiences of services and pilot programmes that have been developed using LAIB locally, and provided information on some of the challenges that have presented, and how LAIBs are being used in different sessions. Presentations included:
- EXPO Trial: Professor John Marsden, Clinical Research Psychologist, Kings College London
- Community Pharmacy Pilot, NHS Grampian: Lucy Skea, Specialist Pharmacist in Substance & Medicines Use, NHS Grampian
- Primary Care Pilot, NHS Dumfries & Galloway: Mark Blount, Specialist Pharmacist in Substance Misuse
- Community Pharmacy Pilot, NHS Lothian: Paul McGuinness & Chris Johnstone, Community Pharmacist, NHS Lothian
- LAIB in Prisons: Dr Craig Sayers, Clinical Lead Prison Healthcare, NHS Forth Valley & Tom Byrne, National Prisons Pharmacy Adviser
You can access each presenters slides below, as well as a video recording of each presentation.