Industry News – W/C 27/02/2023

Papers on a table illustrating news

Rapid Action Drug Alerts and Response (RADAR): Quarterly report

The Drugs Team at Public Health Scotland have released their latest quarterly report of drug-related indicators in order to inform action to prevent drug harms and deaths. The report monitors change in drug trends, harms and use of services to inform immediate and short-term actions that reduce drug harms, and also detects potential clusters of harms to recommend appropriate responses. Access the report here.

Here4U Scotland: App Launch

Here4UScotland is a remote mobile application which has been developed to support people who use drugs alone to provide them with help from private, anonymous, non-judgemental people who can provide advice and support in reducing the risk of harm. For more information on the project and to access the app, visit the Here4U Scotland website here.

Response to Drug Deaths Taskforce Report

The Scottish Government have released a response document to the Changing Lives final report delivered by the Drug Deaths Taskforce in 2022. The response details a range of measures that are being taken to improve the lives of those affected by drugs, including in areas of employment, justice, transport, education, and health and social care. The full response can be accessed here.

Health and Social Responses to Drug Problems: A European guide

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction have created this guide which examines some of the key public health challenges in the substance use field, and offers practical advice to practitioners and policymakers for designing, targeting and implementing effective responses. The guide is comprised of four sets of mini-guides that look at responses to a range of substance use related problems in Europe. Access here.

Turning Point Scotland & Simon Community Scotland: Overdose Response Teams evaluation

The independent evaluation of Turning Point Scotland’s Overdose Response Team has been released, evidencing the successes of the new service model in preventing drug-deaths. The recommendations listed highlight the need for every local authority to have an overdose response team service, providing out of hours support, rapid response, key assertive outreach and a person centred holistic approach. Access the report here.

European Harm Reduction Network: Monitoring data report 2022

The Correlation European Harm Reduction Network have released their latest data monitoring report looking at harm reduction activity across Europe in 2022. The report focuses on three main themes: harm reduction essential services, Hepatitis C, and new drug trends. Access the report here.

Civil Society Participation in Policy Development, Implementation and Evaluation

The International Society of Addiction Medicine Practice and Policy Interest Group are hosting a webinar on 9thMarch 12-1.30pm, exploring the role of civil society organisations in policy development relating to drug use. Register for the session here.

Street Drugs Discussions: Deep dive into benzodiazepines

This webinar taking place on 10th March at 12pm looks at the science and hard realities around benzodiazepine use, including recreationally amongst UK young people. The session will be hosted by Dr James Morgan, Senior Lecturer of Psychology and will explore the pharmacology of benzos, motivations and experiences of young people who have used benzos, and ‘sixty years of benzodiazepines: where are they now?’. Register for the session here.

Scottish Government Consultation on Alcohol Marketing and Promotion

The Scottish Government is currenting running a consultation on alcohol marketing and promotion. Views set out in this consultation will assist with the development and impact of this policy, with consultation responses helping in considerations as to whether restrictions on alcohol advertising and promotion should be introduced, what restrictions might cover and what might be expected from them. The consultation is open until the 9th March and can be accessed here.

12th Scottish Winter School on Motivational Interviewing

NHS Education for Scotland is offering a one-day training session to enhance and develop skills in Motivational Interviewing. The session will take place in Edinburgh on 22nd March, 10am-4.30pm. Participants will explore the application of Motivational Interviewing in a range of Scottish services and will practice Motivational Interviewing in groups. Participants need to have a basic introduction through completion of the e-learning module available on TURAS, the NHS learning platform, prior to the session. More information is available here. 

IOTOD Annual Conference 2023

The Improving Outcomes in Treatment for Opioid Dependence (IOTOD) Conference will be taking place virtually across the 17th-18th May 2023. You can register for the event here where you can also access full information on conference proceedings.

ISSDP Annual Conference 2023

The International Society for the Study of Drug Policy (ISSDP) is a society of scholars committed to advancing drug policy research. ISSDP are hosting their annual conference in Leuven, Belgium 30th May – 1st June 2023. Registration for the event will be made available via their website over the coming weeks.

Contemporary Drug Problems Conference 2023

Contemporary Drug Problems Journal have announced their annual conference will be held in Paris across the 6th-8thSeptember 2023. Details on the conference theme and registration can be accessed here.

INEBRIA 2023: Optimising brief interventions for a new era

The INEBRIA Conference 2023 will be taking place 28th-29th September in Greensboro, North Carolina. Abstracts are currently being accepted to present at the event, with a deadline of 31st March. Full guidance available here.

INHSU Conference 2023

The International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Use (INHSU) annual conference will be taking place 17th-20th October 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland. Abstract submission is open for an opportunity to present at the event. Deadline for submissions is 19th March 2023, with full submission details available here.

Save the date: SSA Conference 2023

The Society for the Study of Addiction have announced their 2023 Annual Conference will be taking place on 9th and 10th November 2023. To stay updated on registration information access their website here. 


Categories: BlogPublished On: April 5, 2023

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