Digital as a Human Right

Drugs Research Network for Scotland and Digital Lifelines Scotland hosted a webinar on 8 August 2024 to discuss “Digital as a Human Right: Does Digital Connection Improve Health Outcomes for People Who Use Drugs?”

We heard presentations from

  • Recovery Enterprises Scotland
    • Lorna Dalziel, Director at Recovery Enterprises Scotland
  • South Lanarkshire Problem Solving Court
    • Alan Campbell, Justice Social Worker
  • Irvine Community Sports Club
    • Glen Russell, Development Manager
  • Telehealth-Mediated Medication Assisted Treatment and Online Engagement Team:
    • Joseph Tay Wee Teck, Visiting Scholar, Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative
      2023-2024 Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice
      Honorary Lecturer, School of Medicine, University of St Andrews
    • Susanna Galea-Singer, Clinical Lead & Consultant Psychiatrist, NHS Fife Addiction Service
Categories: Previous EventsPublished On: July 30, 2024

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