Research Updates – W/C 09/05/2022

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Police officers’ perceptions of their role at overdose events

A newly published paper in the journal Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, explores the role police perceive for themselves at overdose events in the Canadian context. Findings included that officers perceived their primary role to be ensuring safety of first responders and bystanders at overdose events. The authors conclude that further education and awareness is needed to reduce stigma towards people who use drugs, misunderstandings around naloxone and harmful practices such as coercion, at overdose events. Access the full paper here:

Epidemiology of HIV infection and associated behaviours among people who inject drugs in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland

This editorial discusses the evolving epidemiology of HIV among people who inject drugs, and how the potential for HIV outbreaks, such as the one witnessed in Glasgow, could pose a threat towards HIV elimination goals. Access the article here:

The United Kingdom’s first unsanctioned overdose prevention site

This paper reports on the operation and use of an unsanctioned overdose prevention service which operated in Glasgow city centre from September 2020 to May 2021. The authors provide an overview of a proof-of-concept evaluation with findings including the feasibility for an overdose prevention service to operate successfully without being shut down by police or with negative consequences for the community. Read the full paper here:

Long-acting depot buprenorphine in people who are homeless

This study explored the views of people who are homeless and dependent on prescribed or illicit opiates/opioids on the range of opioid replacement therapies delivery options, including long-acting buprenorphine depot injection, methadone liquid, and sublingual/wafer buprenorphine. Findings included:

  • People with a drug problem who are homeless face multiple, intersecting pressures.
  • Loss of control over key aspects of life, including treatment, is a key issue.
  • Daily attendance for Opiate Replacement Therapy dispensing can be challenging.
  • Long-acting ORT could allow people to regain control over aspects of their lives.
  • People should be supported to make informed treatment choices

Access the paper here:

Categories: BlogPublished On: May 11, 2022

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