Research Updates – W/C 01/05/2023

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Youth & Cannabis: Call for abstracts

The International Journal of Drug Policy are inviting submissions to a special section on youth and cannabis. The section will draw on research from diverse disciplines leading work with youth and young adults who use cannabis including sociology, anthropology, criminology, public health, nursing, and medicine. However, submissions highlighting research that moves beyond description towards theoretically-engaged analyses, and/or research that employs participatory, arts-based and/or youth engagement methodologies for understanding youth and young adult cannabis use would be of most interest.

For the first stage, the journal are inviting abstracts of up to 250 words, from which a selection will be made to invite a full submission. The deadline for abstracts is 31st May 2023. Contributors will be notified by 1st September, and the submission of full papers will be due 31st December. Please email questions and abstract submissions to and include ‘IJDP Special Section’ in the subject line.

Caring whilst navigating constraint in the delivery of diamorphine assisted treatment

This study explores the perspectives of service providers delivering Heroin Assisted Treatment (HAT) in Middlesbrough, England. Qualitative interview data is presented against three themes: 1) Negotiating risk and safety within treatment; 2) More than a prescription: care beyond diamorphine, 3) Internal and external delivery barriers and impact on treatment acceptability, identity and longevity. Access the study here.

Rapid opioid overdose response system technologies

This review describes how technology is increasingly being used in rapid opioid overdose response system design, implementation and delivery. Key areas of development include the need to protect marginalised groups from algorithmic bias, a better understanding of individual overdose trajectories and new reversal agents and improved drug delivery methods. Access here.

Normalization of prevention principles and practices to reduce substance use disorders through an integrated dissemination and implementation framework

This paper reviews the advances that have been made in the field of substance use prevention research. The article presents a framework and recommendations to achieve objectives generate during meetings of prevention and implementation science researchers sponsored by the International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction that guides a roadmap to achieve ‘normalization’. Access the paper here.

Opioid-related deaths during hospital admissions or shortly after discharge in the United Kingdom: A thematic framework analysis of coroner reports

This study sought to explore the reasons for the high risk of fatal overdose in the days after hospital discharge for people who use heroin and other illicit opioids. The authors used the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths, a database of coroner reports for deaths following psychoactive drug use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Findings included that hospitals need guidance to help them care for this patient group, particularly in relation to withdrawal management and harm reduction interventions. Access here.

Baseline characteristics of people experiencing homelessness with a recent drug overdose in the PHOENIx pilot controlled trial

This pilot study describes baseline findings from an ongoing randomised controlled trial of the Pharmacist and Homeless Outreach Engagement and Non-medical Independent prescribing collaborative. The authors hypothesised that identifying and holistically addressing multiple health and social care problems in people experiencing homelessness may offer an alternative, successful route to reducing non-fatal and fatal overdoses. Findings include that high levels of frailty, multimorbidity, unsuitable accommodation and unmet mental and physical health care needs require a reorientation of services informed by evidence of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. Access here.

Substance use disorders among forcibly displaced people

This narrative review, informed by syndemic theory, aims to support understanding of the existing literature on the associations between substance use disorders and forced displacement. The authors categorise syndemic risks of both forced displacement and substance use disorders into four areas: trauma and violence, loss and instability, transit and resettlement and acculturation. A research and intervention policy agenda is proposed informed by a broad and varied stakeholder base, accounting for generational and life-course effects, and context specific cultural, structural and economic priorities and values. Access here.

Categories: BlogPublished On: May 3, 2023

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