Industry News – W/c 31/10/2022

Papers on a table illustrating news

Rapid Action Drug Alerts and Response (RADAR) quarterly report

Public Health Scotland and partners, in response to the high rate of drug-related deaths, have developed an early warning system, RADAR, which works to identify and assess potential drug-related risks and harms. This newly published report provides a snapshot of drug use and trends across Scotland, presenting a range of indicators from a variety of sources, which monitor changes in drug trends, testing and the use of services to inform actions to reduce drug-related harm. You can access the full report here as well as an associated blogpost.

Drug Science podcast: Overdose prevention centres

In the latest episode of the Drug Science podcast, Professor David Nutt speaks to Mat Southwell and Dr Gillian Shorter for a conversation about preventing drug-related deaths and the need for supervised injection facilities in the UK. Listen here.

Addiction Audio podcast: Substance use among refugees

This episode of the Addiction Audio podcast Ebtesam Saleh, a Doctoral student at the Charite University in Berlin, discusses a recent systematic review of qualitative research on substance use among refugees. She discusses the limitation of using survey data to explore this issue and how qualitative research can help contextualise the problems faced by refugees in culturally sensitive ways. Listen here.

University students are hidden targets of county lines drug dealing: The Conversation new report

This new report from The Conversation explores how university students can be exploited by county lines drug dealers. County lines is a model of drugs distribution that involves transporting and trading illicit drugs from one part of the country to another, selling them via dedicated phone lines. The report shows the highlights of an investigation of the prevalence of county lines drug dealing targeting university students, including the results of a survey with students themselves. Access here.

Scottish Families: Annual General Meeting

The Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol & Drugs annual general meeting will take place in-person on the 19th November, 9.30am-1.30pm in Stirling. The Scottish Families board members will reflect on their work over the past year and host an interactive workshop session sharing family member’s stories of living with alcohol and drug use. Register here.

Sense About Science: Quality and peer review

Sense About Science are running a quality and peer review workshop with Glasgow Caledonian University for early career researchers (ECRs) on 2nd December 2022, 2.30-5pm. The workshop is free for STEM and social science ECRs, trainees and medical professionals. The workshop is an opportunity for ECRs to explore how peer review works, how to get involved, challenges to the system, and the role of peer review in helping the public evaluate research claims. Eleanor Papas-Rose, the Editorial Operations Manager and Peer Review Manager for F1000Research, and associated publishing platforms, will be part of a panel discussion.

To apply for a free place, fill in this application form by 5pm on 7th November.

Pathways from Homelessness 2023

The Pathways from Homelessness Conference, the 12th International Conference of the Faculty of Homeless and Inclusion Health, will be taking place across the 15th & 16th March 2023 face-to-face in London, or at a regional hub in Manchester, Leeds or Birmingham, as well as online. More information on the programme as well as registration details can be accessed here.

ECR Addictions Conference

On the 21st April 2023 10am-5.30pm, Kings College London, funded through the Society for the Study of Addiction, will be hosting a one day conference for Early Career Researchers in the Addictions field. The event is free, and will aim to facilitate networking and presentation experience among ECRs at various stages of their careers. Register here.

The European Conference on Law Enforcement & Public Health

The LEPH conference explores the complex and diverse intersections of law enforcement and public health, involving practitioners, policy makers and researchers from these and other related sectors, including substance use. The 2023 Conference will be taking place across 21st-24th May in Umeå, Sweden. Abstract submission is open for a chance to present at the conference, with all information on the guidelines available here. Early bird registration for the Conference is available here.

Categories: BlogPublished On: November 2, 2022

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