Industry News – W/C 09/05/2022

Papers on a table illustrating news

Life with Alcohol and Drugs Podcast

The next episode of the Scottish Families podcast, Life with Alcohol and Drugs, is now available to listen. In the episode Kirsten Holland, Fife Family Support Development Officer, updates on the service and provides information on her presentation with the Saga University Hospital in Japan. Listen here.

Addiction and the Family International Network: Webinar Series

The AFINet webinar series continues on 24th May at 2pm, with ‘Parental Substance Use: Dynamics, parenting and associations with child educational outcomes’. This session will provide an overview of over 50 years of research into parental substance use, as well as considerations on what substance use patterns and dynamics exist across parents. This webinar will be led by Dr Emily Lowthian, Lecturer in Education, Swansea University. Register for the session here.

Harm Reduction International: Research and Policy Analyst

Harm Reduction International is seeking to recruit a Research and Policy Analyst for the Sustainable Finance Team. Harm Reduction International is a leading NGO dedicated to reducing the negative health, social and legal impacts of drug use and drug policy. The Sustainable Financing team provides tools, strategic analysis, and evidence to support advocacy for the adequate funding of harm reduction. The role will involve:

  • Undertaking research and analysis to inform advocacy for adequate harm reduction funding, and developing and implementing strategic advocacy.
  • Provision of expert analysis and advice to support colleagues on sustainable financing.
  • Strengthening exchange and building new alliances in the harm reduction sector
  • Manging interns, consultants and contracts with national partners
  • Contributing to budget management and reporting

The closing date is for applications is the 15th May 2022. More information can be accessed here:

Cranstoun: BuddyUp Scheme

Cranstoun, a charity supporting those facing difficulties with domestic abuse, alcohol and other drugs, housing, young people and criminal justice, has launched a new app, BuddyUp. BuddyUp allows people who use drugs to connect to a Cranstoun volunteer, with whom they can build a rescue plan in the event of an emergency with the aim of preventing fatal overdose. More information on the app and its development can be found here:

Crew: Digital Development Officer

The team at Crew, an Edinburgh based charity at the forefront of tackling new and emerging trends in substance use, are seeking applications for a Digital Development Officer to join their team. The role will include developing the new online service offering low-threshold drug and sexual health information, advice and support, working collaboratively with young people. Application deadline is the 30th May 2022. More information and application details can be accessed here:

Categories: BlogPublished On: May 11, 2022

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