Industry News – W/C 06/06/2022

Papers on a table illustrating news

The UK’s first regular drug checking service

The UK’s first Home Office licensed regular drug checking service has launched in Bristol, delivered by The Loop who will be pioneering the service, combining personalised health advice with drug testing. The evidence-based health service aims to reduce high risk drug-taking and build a fuller picture of the illicit drug market in the local area. The service is completely confidential and free to access, and will run once a month with additional opening hours around significant local events. Read more here!

‘There’s only so much one person can do’: A ‘Deep Dive’ into family support in Scotland

A newly published report from Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol & Drugs has identified an ongoing lack of support services for families affected by someone else’s substance use. The report shows the findings of a ‘deep dive’ of family support services across Scotland to help get a better understanding of what family support is available across the country and how well it is resourced. Read the full report here. As part of the new report, Scottish Families will also be hosting a webinar on the 22nd June to discuss the key findings. Register here.

Providing emergency help to someone having an overdose: Your experiences

This new report from the Scottish Drugs Forum described the experiences of people who have given assistance to someone who presented as having an overdose and explores their subsequent support needs. It is hoped the report will help services and policy makers make use of the information to build confidence and support for individuals assisting at an overdose event.

Simon Community Scotland: Get Connected 500

Simon Community Scotland have announced their new national digital inclusion project ‘Get Connected 500’ which will help to connect and support 500 people experiencing homelessness to the digital world. Each participant will receive a free digital device and unlimited connectivity for 12 months. In addition, frontline workers at Simon Community and partner organisations will be trained as digital champions to provide person centred support based around a digital skills learning framework. Find out more on the project here.

Addictions Edited podcast: Inside an employment-support programme

This episode of the Addictions Edited podcast from the SSA looks at how addiction treatment services can help people to find and keep employment. Three colleagues from the Westminster Drug Project discuss their individual Placement Support service, finding jobs, the range of jobs they work with and how they deal with potentially stigmatising views when talking to employers. Listen here.

Drug use and parenting support: A conversation about power

The Relations Study team are hosting a seminar on the 10th June 12.30-1.30pm to discuss he issues of power, parental drug use, and services who support families affected by it. Drawing on ongoing research with families affected by parental drug se, and some of the health and social care services who work with those families, this seminar explores how ‘power’ is felt and used by both parents and services. The event will explore the different ways that power might be understood and negotiated by those involved – to what extent people feel in control of what is going on, if and how this may change, and why it might need to. Register here.

SHAAP/SARN Alcohol Occasional

On the 21st June 12.30-2.00pm, the Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems and Scottish Alcohol Research Network are hosting their fourth online Alcohol Occaisonals event: Care for Co-occurring Heavy Alcohol Use & Depression. Dr Kat Jackson and Dr Amy O’Donnell will present, “I’m just getting the impression I have to sort myself out”: How people with co-occurring heavy alcohol use and depression describe the care they receive in fragmented health system – a qualitative study. Time will also be given for a Q&A and wider discussion. More information and registration can be accessed here.

Categories: BlogPublished On: June 8, 2022

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