Industry News – W/C 01/05/2023

Papers on a table illustrating news

See Beyond – See the Lives – Scotland: Campaign launch

See Beyond – See the Lives – Scotland gives a voice to family members and friends of people who have died because of alcohol or drugs. In 2021 there were 1330 drug-related deaths and 1245 alcohol specific deaths in Scotland. All these deaths were preventable. The campaign shows the devastating impact the loss of life to alcohol or drugs has on the family and friends left behind. We have the power to create change, especially when we come together to take action. Read the stories and take the pledge: Home – SeebeyondScotland.

RADAR Quarterly Report: April 2023

The next RADAR Quarterly Report was published on the 25th April containing a range of drug-related indicators in order to inform action to prevent drug harms. Key points included that healthcare indicators of harm and service use remained broadly stable, and the predominant picture of drug harms in Scotland continues to be polydrug use involving benzodiazepines, stimulants and opioids. Access the report here.

Policy brief: How supervised consumption sites can save lives and improve local communities

At the 10th International Conference on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users, international policymakers gathered to discuss the global overdose crisis and the role that supervised consumption sites can play in helping end these preventable deaths. A new policy brief is available that summarises the day’s discussions and provides information on supervised consumption rooms and their impact. Access here. 

Digital Lifelines: Discover and Define final report

This final report from the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre presents an overview of activities and findings from the integrated ‘Discover and Define’ workstream as part of the Digital Lifelines Scotland programme. The report provides a synthesis of emerging insights and themes from different perspectives (i.e., lived experience, service, sector, policy and digital), and highlights key opportunities for digitally enabled services to support people who use drugs and have multiple, complex and enduring needs to reduce risk of harm and live well in the community. Access here.

Time and Safety: Lived experience reflections on the Post Prison Participation project

This blog explores lived experience reflections in response to the findings of the Post Prison Participation project. The project looked at individual outcomes for people released from prison, as well as looking beyond reoffending to consider whether interventions work to help people to participate in activities and social roles in their community. Workshops were held with individuals with experience of prison, community justice, substance use, and recovery to gather their views of the project findings and consider next steps for research. Read the blog here.

Payment for public involvement in health and care research

The NIHR have released a guidance document aimed at organisations that pay public contributors as part of their involvement in research. It is intended for use by researchers and research staff with a responsibility for public involvement in research. Access the guidance here.

Edinburgh: Take drugs seriously

This community event organised by Anyone’s Child, will discuss the impact of drugs in the Edinburgh area and how we can better protect the community. The session, taking place on the 11th May, will hear from a powerful panel of local families whose children have passed away due to an accidental overdose, as well as ex-police, treatment groups and politicians. The panel will discuss ‘whether banning drugs causes more harm than good’. Register here.

Street Drugs Discussions: Deep dive into naloxone

On the 19th May 12-2pm, this webinar will feature a panel of academic and frontline worker experts to discuss overdose prevention drug naloxone. For more information and to register visit: Street Drugs Discussions. 

Scottish Drugs Forum: Shaping Scotland’s Drug Policy

On the 24th May 2023, the Scottish Drugs Forum will be hosting this one day conference event bringing together a range of individuals to examine the valuable lessons learned over the past 35 years of responding to drug-related issues, with a particular focus on the Scottish context. The conference will explore the current policy situation and look ahead to emerging themes and challenges. Register here.

AFINet Conference 2023

AFINet are hosting their Annual Conference across 15th-17th June 2023 in Rotterdam. For more information and to be kept updated on registration information visit the conference site here.

Lothian Health and Care Professions Research Conference 2023

NHS Lothian is hosting its second Research Conference for Nurses, Midwives, Allied Health Professions, Pharmacists, Psychologists and Healthcare Scientists. The conference will seek to highlight achieving impactful healthcare research through clinical academic collaborations. The event will be taking place on the 7th November 2023 in Edinburgh and the conference board are currently seeking abstract submissions to present at the event. The deadline for abstracts is the 5th June. More information on the event is available here.

SGSSS: Summer School 2023

The SGSSS Summer School will be retuning this year as a hybrid event, with in-person sessions held at the University of Edinburgh 7th-8th June, and online on 12th-13th June. The Summer School offers PhD students the opportunity to attend a variety of workshops, plus opportunities to network and learn about social science research happening throughout Scotland. The event is an exciting way to learn advanced skills and meet other PhD researchers. For more information and registration eligibility visit: Summer School 2023.

University of the West of Scotland: Contemporary Drug and Alcohol Studies programme

The UWS Contemporary Drug & Alcohol Studies programme is open to applicants, starting in September 2023. UWS has been delivering innovative education on drug and alcohol use and policy for over 40 years. The Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma / Masters in Contemporary Drug & Alcohol Studies supports students to critically examine substance use trends; analyse the impact of risk environments on alcohol and drug-related harms; and assess contemporary developments in policy and practice and all informed by national and international evidence from the field.

If you would like to find out more, sign up for the programme’s open evening on 23rd May 7-8pm here. Further information can be found on the UWS website, or any queries can be sent to

Scottish Recovery Consortium: Learning platform

The Scottish Recovery Consortium offer free CPD-accredited online courses for anyone interested in recovery. The courses are offered to individuals and organisations to help develop confidence and enhance skills and knowledge. To enrol in one of the courses email the Learning Team at or by phone on 0141 559 6932. Access further information here.

Adfam: State of the Sector 2023 survey

Adfam are currently conducting research exploring the ‘State of the Sector’ which examines trends, developments, strengths, challenges and opportunities for family support. The survey is open to anyone working in a service which supports families affected by substance use. The survey will run until the 10th May 2023 after which the findings will be written up into a report and disseminated nationally. Access the survey here.

Categories: BlogPublished On: May 3, 2023

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